

Hazrat Peer Syed
Muhammad Abdullah Shah
Mashhadi Qadri
Moza Qadir Bakhsh Sharif
Tehsil Kamalia, District Toba Tek Singh
Punjab - Pakistan
+92 346 7377307 - For all queries
+92 343 7848262 - Dars-e-Nizami
+92 304 0820082 - High School
+92 300 9652742 - College
+92 345 7554593 - Hostel

For all other queries, please email:
Behavior Expectations

Students Responsibility

Points and articles for students

Hizb-ur-Rehman Islamic academy is a unique educational institute. The students of this institute have a responsibility to shine on an educational and social level. They should succeed with their own educational merit and should become an example for others. To maintain the reputation and high level of education of the academy, it is compulsory for students to:

  • Make a habit of always having ablution (Wadu)
  • They should pray five times a day a as part of their life to keep their Islamic identity, so that this habit becomes worship later on and they must follow the Shariat.
  • Cleanliness is the part of faith. They should especially keep this in mind.
  • During educational and teaching hours, they should wear proper uniform. (White Shalwar Kameez, White cap, Green Jersey/Sweater).
  • They should present in the classrooms during all lectures. They should listen to the teacher’s lectures with full attention. They should do skillful work with dedication and hardwork which is the purpose of getting admission in the academy and is necessary for a bright future.
  • If something is not clear in the class then they should not be shy to ask their tutor right then or in free time, because this is the part of educational teaching.
  • A teacher is the spiritual father of a nation. To obey them and give them utmost respect should be made a compulsory part of the character.
  • Discipline is necessary for a peaceful educational environment. Therefore, by following discipline they should consider themselves good students, exemplary citizens and good humans.
  • Only good morals differentiate between a knowledgeable person and an ignorant person. Therefore, in all circumstances, morality should be strongly held on in order to remain respectful and lovable in society.
  • To help others is the biggest worship, therefore help the creation of Allah as much as possible, and make it a mission to help people with their problems.
  • Use of drugs is a crime by religion, law, and morality; it kills the gifted capabilities of a person. Use of them is prohibited and equal to committing suicide, therefore do not use drugs yourself, nor let anybody use them.
  • A healthy body is a sign of a healthy mind. It is a healthy mind that gives birth to tasteful education. Therefore, to keep the body healthy, take part in exercise, good sports, and assigned activities.
  • Instead of spending free time in pointless talking, try to make it a habit to contemplate on the universe and its creation. Think, think, and think because this habit of thinking has produced notable scientists and great personalities. Therefore, apply the practice of thinking intellectually on yourselves so that one day you can join the great thinkers of the world.
  • To give every examination, 90% attendance is the first requirement; therefore avoid missing your Classes.
  • In the academy there will be restrictions on the students union so that any group or party that is based on provincial division, regional prejudice, language discrimination, or sectarianism, to start it or become a member of it, or in any way by taking part in its activities is not allowed at all because the mission of every student is to help the religion of Islam and to help the nation after obtaining education, and not to support any type of sectarianism. Therefore, students should only focus on their education.
  • A request for a 3 day leave from the class needs to be submitted to the incharge, whereas a request for more than 3 days needs to be submitted to the headmaster/principal. In both instances, the student needs to get the request for leave approved. To take a leave without approval will be considered as absence.
  • In case of illness, it is compulsory for the request for a leave to be submitted with a medical certificate.
  • It is compulsory for students to participate in weekly public speaking.
  • During study hours, no student will be able to go to the market, even if they have a free period.
  • The students of the academy need to speak in the urdu language, and students of senior classes should make it a habit of speaking in English, Arabic, and Persian (Farsi).
  • During study hours no student will be allowed to meet anyone.
  • Additionally, it is a duty for every student to revise all courses set by the academy administration from time to time.

Hostel security and attendance
Boarding students will need to use given facilities with great care. A student will need to pay for any damage caused by him. In this matter every student will need to select a person who will pay for the damage caused.

Apart from attendance for studies and prayer, the hostel in charge will mark attendance for students after Isha prayer. An absent student will receive punishment which is at the discretion of the in charge.