

Hazrat Peer Syed
Muhammad Abdullah Shah
Mashhadi Qadri
Moza Qadir Bakhsh Sharif
Tehsil Kamalia, District Toba Tek Singh
Punjab - Pakistan
+92 346 7377307 - For all queries
+92 343 7848262 - Dars-e-Nizami
+92 304 0820082 - High School
+92 300 9652742 - College
+92 345 7554593 - Hostel

For all other queries, please email:
Hizb-ur-Rehman Islamic Academy


The foundation stone of Hizb-ur-Rehman Islamic Academy was laid on the 27th Ramazan by the founder Syed Muhammad Nawaz Shah Qadri, 1415H i.e. 28th February, 1995, and the regular classes (6th Class) started on Zeeqad 21st, 1415 i.e. 22nd April, 1995. Whereas, this unique institution was inaugrated by Syed Israr Hussain Shah Bukhari "Sajjada Nashin" of Holy Shrine Qutbia Sindilianwali Sharif on Zilhej 4th, 1416 H i.e. 22nd April, 1996.
Hazrat Syed Muhammed Sheraz Shah Qadri serves as the chief patron, and Hazrat Syed Muhammed Fraz Shah Qadri is the CEO of this educational institution.

The academy has introduced a dual educational system. The first one is "ISLAMIC EDUCATION" and the second one is "MODERN EDUCATION"
The basic aim of Hizb-ur-Rehman Islamic Academy is to get the students, as Muslims, benefitted from the religion to the optimum, so that the acquisition of knowledge could guarantee their character building and manifest Islamic identity in their personalities.

So that the students could earn the eternal life following the straight path ordained by the Holy Quran, guided by the Holy Prophet ( صلى الله تعالیٰ عليه وآله وسلم ), and by acquiring Modern and Scientific eduaction, they will not only be able to lead their personal life successfully but prove themselves a valuable asset for their country.

This is no denying fact that the bitterest enemy of Islam in present days is the ignorance. So it is the first priority to root out the darkness of ignorance from the society, and this goal can only be achieved by lighting the candle of religious and modern education. The establishment of Islamic Academy is a practical step of Hizb-ur-Rahman in this direction. So that the youth of Islamic Republic of Pakistan could welcome the 21st century proudly, having sound knowledge of religious and modern education.

In the connection, along with the accepted package of text board curriculum, some selected additional subjects, Arabic grammar, (Sarf-o-Nahav) and literature, Quranic translation and commentary Hadith, fundamentals of Fiqh, logic and philosohy included in the syllabus.