Fsc (Pre-Engineering)
ICS or A-level with Mathematics
Age Limit: 23 to 25 years
Passing Marks: At least 50%
04 Years - 08 Semesters
Minimum 138 Credit Hours
To ensure that the students take maximum advantage of the modern computer sciences to solve a wide range of complex scientific, technological and social problems.
MissionTo provide sumptuous education and training to our students in the field of computer so that they productively contribute to academia and industry.
LaboratoriesThe department is equipped with three state of the art computer labs with the latest Pentium machines. These laboratories which are accessible to all students and teachers of Computer Science Department are linked through the state of the art network environment for retrieving information. The following laboratories have been set up:
The department provides excellent computing facilities and ensures the enhancement of practical knowledge of students by facilitating them to learning. The Computer Science Department provides a comprehensive range of facilities necessary for computer use and a library of program and packages for solving scientific, engineering, commercial and social problems.