Fsc (Pre-Engineering)
Fsc (Pre-Medical)
ICS or A-level with Mathematics
Age Limit: 23 to 25 years
Passing Marks: At least 45%
04 Years - 08 Semesters
Minimum 138 Credit Hours
To build up national reputation in Physics education and research and to become national leader in producing highly professional and motivated physicists.
MissionTo provide rigorous training in the scientific process and a firm scientific understanding of nature to foster critical thinking and to provide scientifically literate and liberally educated physicists. The primary functional aspects of our mission can be classified as:
All the faculty members of the Department are striving arduously for achieving excellence in their profession and are utilizing all their potential to the maximum for uplifting the academic standards of the University. Currently, the department is offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs. In order to broaden and deepen the vision of its students according to the needs of the 21st century, the Department of Physics is particularly focusing on activity-based learning.