

Hazrat Peer Syed
Muhammad Abdullah Shah
Mashhadi Qadri
Moza Qadir Bakhsh Sharif
Tehsil Kamalia, District Toba Tek Singh
Punjab - Pakistan
+92 346 7377307 - For all queries
+92 343 7848262 - Dars-e-Nizami
+92 304 0820082 - High School
+92 300 9652742 - College
+92 345 7554593 - Hostel

For all other queries, please email:
The perptual struggle to impart knowledge based on the principles of Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ( صلى الله تعالیٰ عليه وآله وسلم ).


كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر وتؤمنون بالله

“You are the best nation produced (as an example) for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.” القرآن الكريم - سورة آل عمران - 3:110

For the believer in the oneness of Allah ( سبحانه و تعالى ) and the prophethood of Prophet Muhammed ( صلى الله تعالیٰ عليه وآله وسلم ), life is a continuous struggle – the name of which is Jihad. It is to order for the acknowledged virtues while abandoning and helping abandon wrongdoing. Certainly, acquiring these qualities is not easy, which is why there has been a need for an accomplished leader in every age. From the Prophets of Allah this duty was passed on to the rightly guided Caliphs and then undertaken by the respected Awliyā Allah, who have been ever since struggling for the betterment of the Muslim ummah.

وقل جاء الحق وزهق الباطل إن الباطل كان زهوقا

“And proclaim, “The Truth has arrived and falsehood has vanished; indeed falsehood had to vanish.” القرآن الكريم - سورة الإسراء - 17:81)

Allah says that when a nation transgresses and misleads itself, He sends unto them a messenger so that he may return the creation of Allah to His path. Similarly in the late 1930’s, the state of the people of Qadir Bakhsh was no different to those living before the revival of Islam; they were Muslims but knew little of the true teachings and foundations of Islam. Allah then deputed Syed Muhammad Abdullah Shah Mashhadi Qadri ( رحمة الله عليه ), who taught by the example of Prophet Muhammad ( صلى الله تعالیٰ عليه وآله وسلم ). Slowly but surely, his efforts brought a pleasant revolution where the people relinquished from all evils and returned to the adherence of the principles of Islam. This revolutionary mission is still alive in the form of the organization that is Hizb-ur-Rahman.



The perptual struggle to impart knowledge based on the principles of Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (صلى الله تعالیٰ عليه وآله وسلم).