Apart from the mentioned curriculum, in the field of education Hizb-ur-Rehman Islamic academy has also introduced a new curriculum for character building; its purpose is to instil consciousness of Islam through education and make them (students) leaders of their Islamic identity from a practical point of view. This curriculum is based on and is a mix of the awareness of the five pillars, learning prayers (duas) from the Sunnah, preaching of beyond obligatory (Nafl) worship, to show respect towards the principles of honourable Sheikhs, qualities of a pure committed religious person, training for thinking and contemplation, methods of meditation and seeking goodness from Allah (Itikhara), and awareness of the reality of spirituality (tasawwuf), so that everyday behaviour of students including the way they sit and walk, eat and drink, sleep and wake up, and the way they carry themselves is in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah and their character displayed is that of a true Muslim.
This additional curriculum is for year one to five. Approximately one hour of character building will be given to students daily.
Six Kalimahs, Prayers (Namaz) with translation, rules of prayers (Namaz), Obligations (Fard), beyond obligatory acts (Sunnah), acting upon Sunnah, prayer for eating, prayer for sleeping and waking up, prayer for combing hair, prayer for using the toilet, performing ablution, to give ablution to a dead person and remembrances, and prayers for entering and leaving the mosque.
Day prayer, prayer of solar eclipse, prayer of lunar eclipse, prayer for need, eid prayer, method of slaughtering animals, issues of zakat, rules of Hajj, Nafl prayers, and remembrances.
Fasting of Ayam ul Beez (13th, 14th, 15th of Rajab, Shaaban, and Ramzan), prayer of Istikhara, prayer of undertaking a journey, Qaseeda Ghausia, prayer of Istijabah, and powerful day and night invocations.
Respect regards to Sheikh Kareem, Meditation, Thinking, Teaching of Sheikh Kareem of Muridpur, Rights of Murid on Sheikh Kareem, Night prayer (Tahajjud), method of Wadu (Ablution), Greetings when entering mosque, Muharram-ul-Haraam, Beyond obligatory (Nafl) fasting of the months of Shaban and Shawwal.
Study of Tasawwuf (Pure heart, A great loss of life of Hazrat Syed Muhammad Nawaz Shah Qadri Rahmatullah alaih, Asrar-e-Marifat, Kasf-Al-Mehboob (Revelation of Mystery), Faiz-e-Subhani), Durood e Taj, Dua Ganjul Arsh, Khatam Shareef Qadrriyah, learning of Qadriyyah lineage by heart.